Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla

it's generally a perception, and albeit a very strong one, that all Indian movies are just about dancing around the trees, playing with silly emotions , and immortal heroes who can never fail. I agree to the dancing part of it (thanks to madhuri for koyal si teri boli :) ), also the exaggeration of emotions (thanks to barjatya for trying all possible permutation, combination of relationships), and thanks to Rajni, heroes ARE immortal in most of the Indian movies.

But the point I disagree with is - ALL Indian movies are like that. NO NO NO. Most of the people, just right away reject even the idea of a CLASS Indian movie. Well we need to dig deeper to find out the real gems. Let me start off with first gem: Ek Ruka Hua Failsa.

Most of the people wouldn't even have heard of this movie and those who have must be knowing that this is a Hollywood adaptation. Agreed, it's an adaptation but that doesn't lessen the greatness of it's director and cast who have put a very sincere and brave effort in producing a stellar piece of work. And if you are not convinced, I will shortly come up with another review, of a movie which IS ORIGINAL, and can beat ANY movie (and that includes the whole world cinema, OSCAR etc etc), by miles in storytelling.

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla is a remake of Twelve Angry Men. Directed by Basu Chatterjee, produced by Doordarshan/NFDC, it was released in 1986. The movie starts in a room, ends in that room itself :) (why do we need switzerland to make a great movie). The story is about the 12 jurors who need to make a decision on a charge of murder against a young man. All of the jury members except for one are convinced that young man is in fact guilty. But till all of them unanimously make a decision, it can not be final. So now the 11 jury members try to convince 1 and then there are rounds of reasonings, discussions, insights, questions, explanations which make up the whole movie.

It's for you to see who convince whom in the end and how.All the actors suite their role to a tee. Pankaj Kapur, as always, is just exceptional (this man is a gem of indian cinema who has not got his worth). Watch it to see how good cinema can be created even in a single room with 12 chairs and a table :)

If you do't find it on DVD, here is the Google video link


Hari said...

Well written... ERHF reflects the golden age of NFDC/indian television. AFAIK, this movie did'nt hve a theatrical release...was meant for home entertainment only... classy work even tho' its a remake.

aman said...

nice review sandeep...i m compelled to watch this it online somewhere ?

Sandeep Chauhan said...

thx aman, ya it is on google video...

Unknown said...

I'm totaly agry with what you said...the movie is really great and each and every actor has done really very mind blowing job. The attitude of K. K. Raina, Arrogance of Pankaj kapoor,and annu kapoor too rocks,the movie has also focused on human behvior and attitude....
too good movie double thumbs up superlike